Sunday, April 28, 2013

Thanks for checking out my blog! :D
Measures of Central Tendency

Mode: 24 people have 2 roommates 

Mean: (2+10+24+3+1): 1+2+3+4= 40:10= 4

Median: 40:2=20/21=2 roommates 

Most people in Tasis have 2 roommates
Everything seems pretty accurate and there are no outliers 
How many roommates do you have?                    

I used the pictograph to display the differences between the amounts of roommates and to ease the counting of each amount of people

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bar graph
How many roommates do you have?

I used the bar graph to make the differences as clear as possible and to make everything look nice, i did it in 3D ;)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Here is the survey!!

Prem - 2
Elik - 2
Michelle - 2
Lina - 1
Ivan - 2
Alican - 2 
Roman - 2
Kirill - 2
Omer - 2
Maxim - 2
Ivan P - 2
Ayhan - 2
Zach - 2
Alexis - 1
Mark - 1
Nathaniel - 1
Kerem - 2
Paolo - 1
Dede - 1
Cremi - 1
Miller - 2
Matteo - 2
Pavel - 2
Philippe - 2
Lorenzo - 2
Sveta - 2
Clara - 2
Stepan - 3
Matheus - 3
Sam - 3
Ilya B - 2
Mr. Joyce - 0
Ms. Mackoy - 0
Alexey K - 2
Frank - 2
Eric - 2
Cenghis - 1
Arthur - 1
Valeria - 1
Isabel - 4

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Super Survey

How many roommates do you have? I will ask many students at Tasis. The good thing about this question is that it is easy to give answers, and i do not have to check if the person is telling me 100% exact information, because every person knows all his/her roommates.